Friends' Hangout

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Posting 3

Hi, I am going to write about the 5 amazing animals I chose.


A tiger weighs up to 720 pounds ( 363 kg) and stretches to 6 feet long( 2 meters) and has a 3 foot (1 meter) long tail. Tigers can live in both tropical and temperate forests as well as swamps. A tiger's roar can be heard as far as two miles( 3km) away. No two tigers have exactly the same pattern of stripes.

Giraffes have a height of 18 foot( 5.4 meters) and excellent vision. A giraffe's tongue can be up to 21 inches ( 53cm) which can grab and hold onto an object. They are the tallest mammals. They can survive for weeks without water as they get most of their water from the plants they feed on. They also sleep standing as when a predator comes, they take too long to get back on their feet. They can communicate by making infrasound, which cannot be heard by humans. No 2 giraffes have the same pattern of spots on their bodies.
Giant Pandas
Giant Pandas weigh between 165 and 300 pounds(75 and 136 kg). Newborn Pandas weigh only 3 to 4 ounces which is 1/900 of what their mother weighs. Giant Pandas spend about 12 hours a day eating. They also eat very fast as they only digest 1/5 of what they eat.
Bald eagles
Bald eagles can stretch to 3 feet(1meter) long and have a wingspan of 8 feet( 2.4 meters). They also have a great eyesight up to a mile(1.6 meters). They can soar over 10 000 feet(3048 meters) high and when they are coming down to catch their prey, they can drop down at up to 100 miles ( 161 km) an hour!
Zebras range from a height of 3.5 to 5 feet( 1 to 1.5 meters) at the shoulder and weigh from 440 to 990 pounds( 200 to 450 kg). Each zebra has their own unique stripe pattern. They may even use it to help to recognize different individuals. Camouflage is also a use of their stripe pattern.

Friday, February 8, 2008

周 记

在 这 个 星 期 中 , 我 最 快 乐 的 日 子 是 农 历 新 年 。在 除 夕 夜 那 天 , 爸 爸 , 妈 妈 , 我 和 弟 弟 到 婆 婆 家 和 叔 叔 大 伯 们 一 起 捞 鱼 生, 吃 团 圆 饭。 吃 饱 后 , 我 们 便 踏 上 归 途 。 深 夜 12 点 时 , 我 和 家 人 们 和 爸 爸 的 朋 友 们 一 起 到 牛 车 水, 那 里 很 热 闹 。 初 一 早 上 , 我 们 到 婆 婆 家 跟 婆 婆 公 公 ,大 伯 伯 母 , 叔 叔 婶 婶 , 姑 姑 姑 仗 拜 年 。 然 后, 我 们 到 姨 婆 的 家 拜 年 。 最 后 我 们 到 外 婆 家 拜 年 。 初 二 晚 上 ,我 们 一 家 人 和 朋 友 们 一 起 去 看 贺 岁 片 , 长 江 7 号 。 在 这 几 天 , 我 最 快 乐 的 时 候 就 是 拿 红 包 的 时 候 。

Sunday, February 3, 2008

posting 2

This is a autobiography of me, Fabian Pang.On this wonderful day, 3 February 1996, I was born in Singapore , SGH, at 2am.I brought delight to this family.I also gave some scary moments to my parents too, like I cried non-stop on the night I went home.During the process of giving birth, I did not want to come out of my mum's womb,so the surgeon had to use a forceps and pull me out.
When I was 1 years old, I was able to walk and talk.My first word was 'Daddy'. Growing up to 2 years old, I was able to write and my mum started to train me to write my ABCs and my 123s. At 3 years old, I was a toddler and I started to experience the hardship of studying.
A horrible memory came when I was 4 years old.On that day, I was playing catching with my cousin outside a restaurant when all of a sudden, he pushed me, resulting me to fall and fracture my right arm. From then on, I began to have a deep hatred aganist my cousin. Starting nursery, I made lots of new friends.
Nothing much happen when I was 5 and 6 years old. When I turned 7, I started to fear of being lonely in my new school on my first day in entering this school. At the same time, my brother was borned and he too brought some happy moments. At the end of that year, I made lots of new friends and I was 2nd in my class.
It did not occur to my mind that I would emerge 1st in my class in Primary 2 and 3. At Primary 4, it was saying goodbye to some of my friends as we all had to sepreate class.But still I entered C class and made lots of new friends.We even held a birthday party for our teacher. The important year of Primary 5 came and I was very stressful whether I would score good results and build a strong foundation for the next year.
This year is also an important year as my PSLE is coming up and I am anxious about whether I am able to enter the favourite school I want which is non other than Hwa Chong I.
My autobiograpy ends here for now. Hope you would enjoy it.