Friends' Hangout

Monday, January 21, 2008

posting 1

Today, I am going to talk about a video I watched about a war heroine who is none other than Elizabeth Choy. I think that Elizabeth Choy is really a war heroine.When she was worried about her husband, she was tricked by the japanese, tortured and electroucted yet, she was courageous and calm under dangerous circumstances. She was really brave.Not only did she exceled in her studies,she was also very kind to set up a school for the handicapped people. After being a good teacher, she was also a compassionate social worker.Helping numerous people, she did not except them to return her the favour.Being brave, kind and compassionate, Elizabeth Choy really inspires me to be a better citizen and to love singapore more.She is one of those people who have a strong sense of patriotism.I hope to be like her when I grow up.(I mean be a citizen with a strong sense of patriotism.)


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